Mercury went retrograde today at 6:01pm PT  on 11° 38′ of Virgo and will turn direct on September 5 at 28° Leo. This Mercury retrograde is particularly powerful . It is quite significant as it falls just after one Major Eclipse on the 7th,  and right before another one on August 21st. This Retrograde is  one that could bring sweeping changes in close relationships, your love life ,  business ,  career and finances. Fear, anxiety, depression, disappointment, insecurities, suspicion, lying, deception, fraud , manipulation, separation, even infidelity are some of the problems or issues that can arise with Mercury, Messenger of the gods turning backwards for @3 weeks.  Whether you are single or in a relationship, you can expect this month to be all about love, finance, and romance. Keywords are Betrayal and  Trust.

      Mercury Stationed Retrograde at 11°38′ Virgo with moon transiting fiery Aries. The SABIAN SYMBOL for this degree is : IN HER BABY A MOTHER SEES HER DEEP LONGING FOR A SON ANSWERED. We now desire the power to bring one’s dreams, hopes, wishes , or ideals to actualization . There is a need for  clarity, and a focus of mental activity . Your plans may need redefinition or redevelopment after heartbreaking disappointments or stumbling blocks to the realization of cherished goals. Use your power of Creative Visualization  (In Sanskrit “Kriyashakti”  to give power to intention. A Watchword is one that Disney uses , coined during World War II: IMAGINEERING (“imagination” and “engineering.” ) Now Mercury in practical Virgo entreats us to make reality out of  dreams. It is possible by the end of September assisted by the spectacular upcoming Leo  Solar Eclipse. For now impatient Aries rules the head , so tension headaches or stress from frustrating and disappointing situations may arise . 

          Mercury Rx  begins on the fixed star Zosma  which is at 11°33′ Virgo but on the back of The Lion in the Constellation of Leo.  This brings  negative thinking, feeling down, self centered behaviors , hasty or nasty words,  and fear of attack, even threat of violence or of poisoned minds. Look at the horrible events in Charlottesville as an Example. The strongest aspect is Mercury in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. This aspect reinforces delusion, drug addiction, flight from reality, and polarization of groups or factions . The already dark and depressing influence of Zosma is now heightened. We can see suspicion, distrust and more fear on the Personal or World Stage these next few days. Confused thinking , miscommunication , poorly timed or phrased words, and general Mercury Mishaps will increase the chance of personal and relationship problems. This is NOT the time for making important decisions or plans. Beware of lies, hidden agendas, deception, spying, gossip , fraud, or scandal. Remember Mercury Rx is not the time to Sign or to Buy. Refrain from purchasing electronics, computers, cell phones, cars, appliances, or signing leases, contracts, and legal papers if at all possible. Allow for misconstrued meanings, undelivered communications and unrealized expectations. Mercury will create havoc for three weeks so double and triple check your communications and allow for delays and/ or Change of Plans. Money issues are a concern with Venus opposing Saturn constricting the money supply . Be prudent and cautious in all money matters through early September. I will write more about this Retrograde as it unfold. So be at Peace and be discerning . Namaste.

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